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Sherman USA Medium Tank - USA Vol. I

Sherman USA Medium Tank - USA Vol. I

Paperback (13 Nov 2024)

  • $28.32
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Publisher's Synopsis

The M4 Sherman was the primary tank of the U.S. Army, first deployed in February 1942 as an answer to the advancements in armored warfare introduced by the German Wehrmacht in Europe. It was designed to quickly form large, mobile armored units and came fitted with a 75 mm cannon (which was progressively upgraded) along with two machine guns. The Sherman played a crucial role throughout World War II and later in the Korean War. Although early models were somewhat vulnerable, especially prone to catching fire, it ultimately had one of the highest survival rates among tanks in the war.

With close to 50,000 units produced across 19 different models, the M4 Sherman became one of the most widely manufactured tanks of World War II, a record it shares with the legendary Soviet T-34.

Book information

ISBN: 9791255891666
Publisher: Soldiershop
Imprint: Soldiershop
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 62
Weight: -1g
Height: 254mm
Width: 178mm
Spine width: 4mm