Publisher's Synopsis
Volume 1 of this 5 part series features the compositions of Harry and Albert Von Tilzer along with several other great composers such as Fred Fisher, Leo Bennett and Theodore Morse. Not all of these songs are jazz but the Von Tilzer Brothers are instrumental in bringing about that era. This coffee table book edition has 50 covers. Check out the companion coloring book with same title to create your own version of these spectacular sheet music covers. The late 1800's and early 1900's gave us a plethora of amazingly talented composer's, musicians, vocalists and artists. This series of Sheet Music Covers are only a small representation of the thousands of compositions that were published during that time. Our country was in the midst of World War 1 and was recouping from the Civil War. Women could not yet vote. Black Americans were still suppressed and mistreated. The country was experiencing The Great Depression and the world was headed toward World War 2. Still, there was hope, there was music, there was light and movement and creativity. This whole series is done to honor all those who suffered. To rejoice in the stamina as a nation. To thank them and to remember them. For the coloring pages I have tried to lighten as many images as I could without loosing the integrity of the cover. In some cases, that is an almost impossible task, Also, I have tried to keep the coloring books at a size that will allow you to flatten them for coloring. Along with the coloring books I am publishing the full color sheet music covers in companion coffee table editions. For the full color editions I have tried to keep the cost down as much as possible as it is fairly expensive for all concerned. Some of these covers were only published in black and white which works great for the coloring books but not so well for the color versions. I have included them because they are classic and beautiful. In this series there are opera's, ballets, waltzes, rags, two steps, polka's, marches, tango's, coon songs, wigglin' songs, musical comedies and more. They come from the U.S., Canada, Australia, Italy, France, Costa Rica, Austria, Germany, Russia, Great Britain, Poland, Switzerland, Scotland and more. Composer's include Vivaldi, Charles Chaplin (The great Charlie Chaplin's father), Stephen Foster, Scott Joplin, Emile Andre, Delormel, Planquette, Lautrec, Wagner, Schumann, Verdi, Courtois, Perry, Hitz, Strauss, Dietrich, Fisher, Kern, Gottschalk, Krakauer, Hammerstein, Seabrook, Ravel, Edwards, Leroux, Chopin, Turpin and so, so many more. The coloring pages are 8.5" x 11", one sided and have a nice black border to allow coloring all the way to the edge of the page. All four cover images are in this edition. This book is suitable for intermediate colorists. Please note: some of these songs fit more than one category, for instance: Treemonisha by Scott Joplin fit the opera category as well as the Black Americana category. I didn't want to leave anything out so there are a slight few instances when one title will be in more than 1 volume.