Publisher's Synopsis
Share my journey, beginning in a safe place, tucked inside my mother's womb. After she gave birth, my grandmother and aunt cared for me because my mother was unable. The woman who gave me life was separated from me. As she wrestled with the thought of giving up her first child, a question overshadowed her mind. Was she making the right decision to let her baby go? For the first six years of my life, I was raised in Jamaica. As I transitioned into life with my new parents, I experienced exciting and unforgettable adventures while we ventured to new continents. As I grew into my teenage years, I began wondering why my birth mother had not personally raised me, and I questioned the reasons behind my adoption.
I protected a dark secret in my soul's depths, which I shared with no one. My innocence was snatched away without my permission, leaving my confidence in those whom I loved and trusted, broken. I wondered if I would ever experience real love. I was always afraid to ask questions and did not know who to trust to learn the truth about myself. I yearned to know the truth, my truth. My life seemed full of nothing but secrets.
My dreams seemed too far away. I found myself on a journey, my journey; a colorful life filled with interesting people, places, and experiences, sprinkled with lots of fun and adventure, yet overflowing with unending rivers of emotions. My mind was inundated with mountains of questions, and I was not sure how to find the answers. I tried my best to mask the empty feelings buried deep within my heart; loneliness and the sense of emptiness that radiated from within the core of my very soul. I became an expert at hiding my disappointments. Communicating my true feelings became a daily challenge. I also feared forming new relationships, simply because each time I committed to a new one, I found myself alone again. Will my pain ever stop? Can I find true happiness? Can the puzzle pieces of my life fit back together again? Finding the truth revealed God's plan and purpose for my life. As I embraced the stages of my life, I ultimately found the answers and healing. My healing was in the clouds. I felt God had forgotten me, but as I learned, the true inner peace I so desperately searched for was unveiled and I found that place of completeness and unquestionable success.
May you enjoy this book, from my heart to yours! She Found It in the Clouds is an extraordinary tale of a girl's life from despair to triumphant victory. This book is full of vivid imagery of a girl's life experiences, which enables the reader to feel as if they were a part of her journey. Readers will share a myriad of emotions from anticipation, despair, anger, fear, sadness, joy, and most importantly hope, from the front of the book to the back cover. This book pulls at the heartstrings and helps to reaffirm that one's beginning does not dictate one's destiny. She Found it in the Clouds is an inspiration to General audiences including the youth of today, teens, and women, men encouraging them to be tenacious and to persevere through any obstacle that may come their way. Though the main character encountered many adversities, she clung to those clouds that brought her peace. It followed her through her adult life and remained her source of strength. This book is a page-turner that a reader will not want to put down. She found it in the Clouds offers hope, encouragement, and healing to anyone who is struggling with identity, has no relationship with the biological parent(s), has emotional struggles from adoption, death of a loved one, sexual abuse, low self-esteem, or just coping with life issues. Each chapter takes the reader through an exciting journey (sometimes laughter other times tears) but always leaves the reader wanting to know more about how the journey ends. The journey ends with evidence of healing, restoration, peace, and love.