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Shattered Dreams

Shattered Dreams

Hardback (14 Dec 2024)

  • $59.50
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Paperback (14 Dec 2024) $59.50

Publisher's Synopsis

In "Shattered Dreams," the fragility of hope is laid bare through a haunting collection of verses that explore the myriad ways aspirations can crumble. Each poem acts as a mirror, reflecting the often unspoken heartaches and disappointments that accompany the pursuit of our deepest desires. From the ghostly echoes of lost ambitions to the poignant memories of what could have been, this book invites readers to traverse a landscape of raw emotion and vulnerability. The imagery is vivid, transporting the audience into the depths of longing and regret, while the lyrical cadence enchants and resonates. As the journey unfolds, the poems offer glimpses of resilience, hinting at the possibility of rebirth amidst the ruins of shattered dreams. This collection serves not only as a testament to the beauty found in pain but also as a poignant reminder that healing can emerge from the ashes of despair. A captivating read for anyone who has ever dared to dream and felt the weight of loss, "Shattered Dreams" promises both solace and inspiration.

Book information

ISBN: 9789908003023
Publisher: Creative Arts Management Ou
Imprint: Creative Arts Management Ou
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 88
Weight: -1g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 6mm