Sharing Wisdom

Sharing Wisdom The Practical Art of Giving and Receiving Mentoring

Paperback (01 Feb 2000)

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Publisher's Synopsis

As caring adults we give and receive informal mentoring every day. Sharing Wisdom offers us the opportunity to make the most of these natural encounters. This book offers forty brief lessons to make the process of offering and receiving mentoring clearer. The information is designed to be practical and readily usable and it is intended to help you nurture your natural talents as well as to better appreciate the guidance offered by others. The book ends with answers to common questions on mentoring, a summary list of the mentoring guidelines and a brief annotated bibliography.

Book information

ISBN: 9780824518387
Publisher: Crossroad Publishing Company
Imprint: The Crossroad Publishing Company
Pub date:
DEWEY: 371.102
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 141
Weight: 190g
Height: 212mm
Width: 137mm
Spine width: 15mm