Publisher's Synopsis
In the village of Paran, in the peaceful realm of Keilah, Bethany M'Doro embarks on a voyage to the Earth plane, to the year 1875, in search of a man who has the power to save her or destroy her.
Widowed with a young daughter, Bethany M'Doro possesses a unique ability to see into the past and her clairvoyant gifts make her invaluable on archeological digs. Her team's most recent discovery-an ornate comb buried under a pile of charred bones-sparks a vision of the ancient evil cult of Eitel, known for stealing children's souls. Although it was believed the cult was destroyed centuries ago, Bethany senses it has been resurrected by a diabolical new leader. Bethany returns home from the expedition, to discover her worst fear has been realized. Her daughter Sarah has gone missing along with several other children from the village. It can only be the evil cult Eitel. Desperate to find them, Bethany's visions guide her to the Earth plane, to Devil's Gate, Nevada in 1875. There she encounters Connor Jessup, the only man who has the power to help her. But Connor is tormented by his own personal demons and a tragic past that continues to haunt him. Bethany now faces the greatest challenge of her life. Can she heal Connor and convince him to travel back with her to Paran to find Eitel's lair and save Sarah and the other children from certain death? Or will her daughter be lost forever?