Publisher's Synopsis
Combines servant-leadership and feminism into a new understanding of leadership.
In a world where leaders and organizations face global pandemics and power conflicts, gender dualism still prevails, and gender stereotyping and the glass ceiling continue to affect humanity's conceptualizations of leadership. How can we integrate the lost aspects of ourselves, often socialized by gender, so as to recover wholeness? How can we discern and develop the feminine and masculine within every leader? Servant-Leadership, Feminism, and Gender Well-Being offers grace, strength, and hope by providing evidence of servant-leaders crossing gender boundaries and integrating gendered traits and behaviors. Feminist ways of knowing, honoring both feminine and masculine giftedness, deepen the holistic foundation of servant-leadership. By integrating female perspectives with male perspectives, a paradigm shift in leadership theory through avenues inherent to servant-leadership can move organizations from hierarchy-driven, rules-based, and authoritative models to value-driven, follower-oriented, and participative models.