Sensei Self Development - Mental Health Chronicles Series - Exploring Self-Care Practices

Sensei Self Development - Mental Health Chronicles Series - Exploring Self-Care Practices - Sensei Self Development Mental Health Chronicles

Paperback (16 May 2024)

  • $12.87
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Publisher's Synopsis

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the world of mental health journaling - a sacred space for self-reflection, growth, and healing. Within these pages, you hold the power to uplift your spirit, invigorate your mind, and nourish your goals.

In a world that often moves at blink-and-you'll-miss- speed, it's crucial to make time for self-care and self-discovery.

Anxiety, stress, and emotional turbulence may have clouded your mind, making it difficult to find clarity and peace within. But fear not! Together, we will navigate the labyrinth of emotions, and experiences, helping to simplify the path to mental well-being.

Book information

ISBN: 9781778484551
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 92
Weight: 136g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 5mm