Publisher's Synopsis
This translation makes available 19 orations by the 4th-century Cappadocian Father Gregory of Nazianzus. These homilies span all the phases of Gregory's ecclesiastical career, beginning with his service as a parish priest assisting his father, the elder Gregory, in his hometown of Nazianzus in the early 360s, to his stormy tenure as bishop of Constantinople from 379 to 381, his subsequent return to Nazianzus and role as interim caretaker of his home church (382-83). Composed in a variety of rhetorical formats such as the lalia and encomium, the sermons treat topics that range from the purely theological to the deeply personal. Gregory has been known primarily for his contributions as a theologian, indifferent to the social and political concerns that consumed his friend Basil, due in large measure to the interests and prejudices of the 19-century editors who excluded the sermons translated here from the ""Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Church"". This translation should help the reader appreciate just how deeply Gregory was engaged in the social and political issues of his day. Exemplifying the perfect synthesis of classical and Christian ""paideia"", these homilies should be required reading for anyone interested in late antiquity. The introduction and notes accompanying the translation are designed to assist both the general reader and the specialist as they seek to navigate the complex environment in which Gregory lived and worked.