Sefer Hasichos - 5749 - Vol.2

Sefer Hasichos - 5749 - Vol.2 - Kovets Shalshelet Ha-Or

Hardback (01 Dec 1990) | English,Hebrew,Yiddish

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Publisher's Synopsis

From 5747-5752 (1986-1992) the Lubavitcher Rebbe developed and summarized his message in an unprecedented stream of public addresses, which he painstakingly annotated and prepared for publication. Here reprinted in book form, with summaries and indexes. This series includes all the sichot (talks) that the Lubavitcher Rebbe delivered and himself corrected from 5747-5752 (1986-1992). Each volume contains a detailed index. Set includes the newest Sefer Hasichot covering the Year of 5747 Volume 2! 6" x 9" 1.95 lbs

Book information

ISBN: 9780826657626
Publisher: Kehot Publication Society
Imprint: Kehot Publication Society
Pub date:
Language: English,Hebrew,Yiddish
Number of pages: 2