Secret Empire

Secret Empire

Paperback (25 Oct 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

2017's most startling and unexpected comic book event! Captain America, Sentinel of Liberty, has been living a lie! The world's greatest hero is secretly a true believer in the cause of Hydra, brought up since childhood to pursue their mission of progress through authority and unity through adversity! Using the trust and respect he is accorded by the great powers of the Marvel Universe, Steve Rogers has worked his way into a position where he can make Hydra's ideals a reality -and change the landscape of the world dramatically! Now, all the dominos of Steve's plan have been laid out - and it will take only the slightest push to set them into action!

Book information

ISBN: 9781846538353
Publisher: Panini Comics
Imprint: Panini Comics
Pub date:
DEWEY: 741.5973
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 436
Weight: 1294g
Height: 257mm
Width: 167mm
Spine width: 24mm