Publisher's Synopsis
Welcome to the tale of Second Acts. Book One begins the story of young Madison Newman who has a remarkable gift. It's a secret that she keeps even from her parents. Madison has been blessed with the gift of healing, and as she grows up, she comes to understand that God's desire for her is to leave home and preach about Jesus Christ. Madison resists, not knowing how to explain to her parents what she believes God has asked her to do. One night, her secret is spectacularly revealed and the world takes sides, regarding her with suspicion and fear.
In Book Two, Madison begins her ministry at a campground where she preaches her first sermon. It is a powerful message, and the Holy Spirit is present to touch people's hearts and lead them to salvation. As Madison continues her spiritual journey, she grows more confident, and increasingly bold. Some accuse her of fomenting violence by condemning sin, news programs portray her as a fraud, yet believers everywhere respond to her message. The end of days is approaching, and Madison is obedient to preach to the lost.
In this exciting, final volume of the 'Second Acts' trilogy, Madison Newman is truly on her own for the first time after walking away from Stillman's show. Weary from her months on the road, Madison is desperate to return home to her parents and friends, and to the life she left behind. But home is not to be her destination as the Holy Spirit leads her to serve God in ways she could never have anticipated.
Cataclysms afflict the Earth as an increasingly turbulent world struggles with shortages, disease, and political upheaval. While nations form economic alliances, they secretly plot to usher in a truly digital currency that renders cash obsolete, and control absolute. And an unexpected reunion with old friends provides Madison an opportunity for celebration and fellowship, but leaves her eluding federal agents under cover of darkness.
Despite media attacks and government persecution, Madison remains undeterred. The fight is not against flesh and blood, and Madison acknowledges the spiritual forces at work as the world rushes headlong to judgment. As the final days swiftly approach, Madison urges believers everywhere to share their faith, and enlists an unlikely ally in sharing the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.