Publisher's Synopsis
What do you love the most? THE DRAGON TRAIL is BOOK THREE in the five chapter book series. The "Sea Child" chapter book series is especially designed for beginning readers and readers with a dyslexic learning style. However, the story lines are for maturing students and challenge the reader. Each adventure introduces one relevant issue. THE CAVE is the first book in the series. The issue is climate change. THE SPY TRAIL, the second book in the series, introduces the resettlement of refugees. THE DRAGON TRAIL, BOOK THREE of the Sea Child series, looks at how to find the real you. What makes you happy? Travel with Tabby and Dee to Scotland. The two sisters find what makes them happy. You can find what makes you happy too!Tabby and Dee have fun! The two sisters take a sea trip with two friends. Explore with the two sisters as they go to Scotland. What amazing things do they do in Scotland? What happens when they come back to the West Coast? This book is a decodable phonics reader. Join the adventures of Tabby and Dee who live on a West Coast island in British Columbia, Canada. Readers are quickly hooked by the escapades of the two sisters. Fun stories are told with repetitive vocabulary for easy understanding and fluid reading. These chapter books use simple sentence structure, distraction free pages with Sans Serif font, and readable font size. The series was written by author SUSAN ANITA JONES, an educator, counsellor, artist, and writer with over thirty years' experience working with children."There is a definite gap for readers who have difficulty with traditional chapter books. Graphic novels are full of distractions, and picture books are full of silly bears with no interesting story lines. These readers feel they are mature, yet there is nothing for them to read! Hence, they become discouraged. They don't want to be in picture books when their classmates are in chapter books. They can't read graphic novels; the format is horrendously confusing. Reading is a wonderful experience. Helping your child love reading is a precious gift which you can give. Current and relevant issues are introduced in each book throughout the series -- for the thinking reader. Enjoy!" VISIT: https: //susananitajones.comREAD ALL FIVE! The Cave, The Spy Trail, The Dragon Trail, The Bunny Trail, and The Sleeping Woman.