
Scrimshaw The Whaler's Legacy

Hardback (08 Jan 1997)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Intricate, painstaking, sturdy yet incredibly delicate...scrimshaw has been a beautiful tradition on the sea and at the sea-side for centuries. Far from the comforts (and distractions) of land, whalers from America, England, Australia, and Portugal could spend the long hours of attention necessary to perfect the scrimshander's art. They forgot their loneliness and discomfort as the crafted pieces like those shown in over 400 vivid color photographs in this new, fascinating book. Martha Lawrence's research covers every facet of the art of scrimshaw, from its origins on whaling ships, to the daily life of the sailor/scrimshander, to the materials, themes, and tools used for creating these objects. She also discusses modern scrimshaw artists. Today's collector will find her chapters on collecting scrimshaw work especially helpful, particularly when used in conjunction with the thorough price guide.

Book information

ISBN: 9780887404559
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.
Imprint: Schiffer Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 240
Weight: 1472g
Height: 288mm
Width: 224mm
Spine width: 24mm