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Scars to Stars, Volume 3

Scars to Stars, Volume 3

Paperback (12 Sep 2023)

  • $17.18
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Publisher's Synopsis

"Sobbing so uncontrollably I could not take a breath, the pain was unbearable. I washed down the pills with an open bottle of wine I grabbed from the fridge. I just wanted it all to stop... The pain... the fighting... the lies..."

Scars to Stars TM is a series of online summits, live events, and books. These writers vulnerably share their personal, authentic stories of overcoming adversity to motivate and inspire you, wherever you might be along our own journey... so you will never again need to feel alone in your struggle.

Proceeds benefit: The Realize Foundation

We believe that conversation and community can reduce suicide statistics.

Book information

ISBN: 9781646493364
Publisher: Year of the Book Press
Imprint: Year of the Book Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 202
Weight: 304g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 12mm