Scarborough Fair: And Other Stories

Scarborough Fair: And Other Stories

Paperback (01 Nov 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Scarborough Fair and Other Stories includes ten works by the author of the Nebula Award-winning The Healer's War and many other novels. In "Final Vows," Mu Mao the Magnificent, the feline bodhisattva from Scarborough's novel Last Refuge, helps guide a reincarnated cat in solving the mystery of his own betrayal and murder. "Whirlwinds" takes place on the Diné Trail of Tears, when the US military force-marched ninety-five hundred Navajo people from their ancient, sacred homeland to the barren Bosque Redondo area surrounding New Mexico's Fort Sumner. A coveted princess packs on pounds when a disgruntled suitor casts an evil spell on her in "Worse Than the Curse." How is a plump princess to cope? And "Long Time Coming Home," cowritten with Scarborough's fellow Vietnam veteran Rick Reaser, is a story of the battles and ghosts many vets face after returning from the war. These and other stories capably demonstrate Scarborough's breadth of skill.

Book information

ISBN: 9781619503663
Publisher: Gypsy Shadow Publishing Company
Imprint: Gypsy Shadow Publishing Company
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 232
Weight: 356g
Height: 151mm
Width: 228mm
Spine width: 19mm