Publisher's Synopsis
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead. The Law of Attraction, with this quote, inspired this book. There are only two processes in life: intention, and experience of that intention. The only thing that can block your manifesting is your own limiting beliefs. You can remove your limiting beliefs more easily in a group. Groups also manifest more easily than individuals. The Universe consists of light, and information, or modulation of that light. Intent, refined, can take you anywhere you want to go. It can manifest anything. If you can breathe, you can use intent. If you can use intent, you can manifest. Your dreams are the children of your heart, the voice of your soul, God/the Universe seeking manifestation through you. They are important. You came here to manifest them. There is a path you can intend, to the realization of these dreams. We seek out problems for their gifts, because we grow as we solve those problems. You cannot solve a problem out of the same place it was created. You must go to a new level of order. If we have great problems, it is because we are about to grow, greatly. Everything you see in this book, and every human creation, was sought out to solve some problem, by someone in a state of confusion, who didn't have the answer at first, and asked new questions. Manifesting is the Law of [Resonant] Attraction at work. You are always manifesting what you are in resonance with. You are also manifesting according to the polarity you radiate. This book is for controlling this process, so it puts out more satisfying results. This book is written along the lines of the Tao Te Ching, Journey to the Ancestral Self, Sun Tzu's Art of War, Richard Bach's book Illusions, or Richard Bartlett's Matrix Energetics, and classic books where one can go back to it many times, and get something new and fascinating each time. Read this book in the same way you would listen to music- one note at a time. Do not come to be taught, come to be transformed, to transform yourself. That is what dowsing does. This book is about having fun becoming who you truly are, about realizing your mission and purpose in life, in fun ways, that surprise and delight you, in a small group. This book is designed for groups, and has excerpts from the book The Key to the Secret: Manifesting from the Heart.