Publisher's Synopsis
With the holidays season approaching, Kimoni was getting into the spirit. She was happy with her little family. Everything was great. Or so she thought. After spending the day out and about, Kimoni comes home and walks into her bedroom to her man packing up his bags. With no real explanation, all he says is that he has had enough. After all the arguing and pleading that she could do to stop him, it doesn't work and he still goes. Leaving her with the thought of what now? Down in dumps and not in the spirit of the holidays anymore as well as not really having the funds for the holidays anymore being that it was now all on her with the responsibilities because when her ex left, he told her he was leaving the kids as well as everything else behind. Kimoni finally returns back to work after a few days off. Not really wanting to be there, she must admit that after being in her work environment for a few hours, things begin to slowly look up. Especially when she gets up close to the infamous Boss thats the talk of the town. Ekon "Boss" was that guy that you either wanted to be around or feared. No in between. When you heard his name, you knew what it was. Boss was in the bookstore buying his nephew a few books for Christmas when he spotted one of the most gorgeous females he had ever saw before. He knew that he had to have her so he decided to take his time around the store just to continue to look at her on the sly. Once he got close to her, he felt something magic and knew right from there that he had to have her by any means.Kimoni wasnt sure of too much for the holiday season. All she knew was that she needed a prayer and blessing. She just didnt know that santa was going to bless her with a prayer and boss when she needed both most.