Publisher's Synopsis
FOREWORD As will be noted, portions of this skech have been contributed by local writers of special competency; the review of the religious interests by Rev. C. H. F. Chandler, Rector of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church of San Luis Obispo; the later development of educational interests by Mr. A. H. Mahley, superintendent of that city's schools and by Mr. Guy E. Heaton, horticultural commissioner of the county, treating of matters within his special province. Their assistance is gratefully acknowledged by the publishers. For the rest of the work the author is unable to shift the responsibility. It has been his endeavor to invest the story of the county with some degree of human interest, avoiding dry details and personal references. He has followed largely the pictures that hang on memory's waU and as the gatlery covers a residence of over sixty years in the state, more than ha.If of which has been spent in this county, the tale is necessarily hurried and imperfect. But such as it is, it is told by one who was frequently an active participant in the events recorded and always a deeply interested observer.