Publisher's Synopsis
Over two years in development and tested with hundreds of students and teachers, Sacred Story Youth (SSY) is a new program designed to teach the classic Ignatian Examination of Conscience in a new way to children in Pre-K to Eight Grade. It is intended for use by teachers, parents, youth ministers and anyone else who is interested in helping youth learn how to pray and understand spiritual discernment. The five movements of the Sacred Story Prayer (Creation, Presence, Memory, Mercy and Eternity) are combined with various Commandments at each grade level to help youth learn both the content of their faith as well how to connect with God personally in prayer. The Teacher Resource Guides for SSY contain: Each SSY Program Packet Contains Lesson Plans and Everything You Need to Teach Youth How to Pray the Ignatian Examen: 1. Teacher Program Overview 2. Guided Ignatian Meditations 3. Scope and Sequence for Pre-K to Eighth Grade 4. Four Easy Steps Teacher Visual Guide for SSY's Three Lesson Plans 5. Eighty-Page SSY Theological Resource Guide for Teachers 6. Life of St. Ignatius Loyola and Meditation Instruction PowerPoint Lesson (access from website) 7. Certificates of Appreciation for students 8. Information Letter for Parents of SSY Students 9. Three Complete LESSON PLANS Plus Complete UNIT PLAN OVERVIEW 10. Template for the Student Meditation Response Logs.