Publisher's Synopsis
Your Soul's Blueprint: A Contract with Yourself
Every human born into this earth is bound to the universal laws of karmic exchange. This means, we incarnate with soul contracts, agreements between souls that are decided before we incarnate. Our souls hold unique blueprints of information that are stored in our DNA. When we arrive into the earth plane, through our father's sacred seed and mother's sacred womb, we have come from another world, plane, or dimension, or straight from another life entirely. Somewhere in the merging point, in the realms of spirit, there is a communication. This communication may be with yourself, your Higher Self and Akashic records, or with other souls you share a timeless bond with; your Archangels, guides, or specific guardians and helpers. In short, your soul is connected to a multitude of beings and dimensions- there are past lives, present lives, and future lives. So, before incarnation we "converse" with ourselves and our companions.
Your soul's DNA contains an entire story that ravels up into your unique blueprint. I like to call this your Soulprint (soul's blueprint). It contains your memories from various lifetimes, information you'd like to bring into this lifetime, and soul talents, the unique and powerful gifts specific to you. It is everything about you in your pure, human-pollution reality free state. It's your divine essence. It's your divine spark before society and its toxicity takes over, or the 3D realm of illusions and misinformation tampers with you. You ultimately have a contract with yourself. But you also have soul contracts with others, both "higher soulmate" contracts and "karmic contracts."
Higher Soulmate contracts: These are soul contacts (agreements) that are meant to help you grow into your best and most self-mastered or self-evolved self. They serve your soul's purpose, mission, or destiny, and last longer than karmic contracts. These can be family bonds, a marriage partner that you stay with until death or your last life pinnacle, or close friends, lovers, or animals that maintain a positive impression with you throughout your life. There's no themes of betrayal, treachery, or severe heartbreak involved; higher soulmates love you and serve you well, they only bring joy and happiness or peace and serenity into your world.
Karmic contracts: Karmic contracts are usually romantic or sexual, a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" who is not power couple or life partner status, but does help you evolve. They help you grow and evolve through this toxic Wetiko 3D illusion. They bring pain, trauma, struggle, hardship, disbelief, and self-doubt. They make you question your greatness, worth, and sanity, but they also awaken you to higher pathways. Through experiencing first-hand what you "don't" want in life, they teach you what you "do" want. Karmic soulmates bind you to another person in an energetic dance that is both traumatic and liberating, eventually. These are your greatest teachers that your Higher Self doesn't want to be bound to forever, however will always remember on a soul level.
In synergy with Native American traditions who label Wetiko 'a mind virus' that 'operates through the unconscious blind spot in the human psyche;" I would suggest that our karmic and soul contracts are intrinsically entwined with our ability to become sane and moral humans, once again. Perhaps the reason why you've stayed in your psychosis, narcissism, or manic depression is because you've closed yourself off to love? Or community? Or the idea and reality of a 'divine couple' partner?! I believe love is the strongest vibration. Whether it's self-love, romantic love, sexual soulmate love, agape love, or platonic love for friends, animals, and nature, love is the one thing that helps us to heal our wounds, overcome trauma, and transcend...
Released on Pi-day, March 14th. GRACE GABRIELLA PUSKAS