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S/NVQ 2 Children's Care, Learning & Development Knowledge and Evidence Resource + CD-ROM

S/NVQ 2 Children's Care, Learning & Development Knowledge and Evidence Resource + CD-ROM - S/NVQ Children's Care Learning and Development

Paperback (26 Jul 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

  • Designed to support candidates' learning, with lively and varied worksheets for each unit. Candidates can use these to generate evidence of their knowledge and understanding.
  • Provides valuable support for tutors and assessors, including activities for delivering the underpinning knowledge, an introduction to the new standards and recording documentation.
  • Written by a team of experienced tutors and assessors to ensure that the content is perfect for the new S/NVQ awards.
  • The CD-ROM contains a wealth of additional resources, including PowerPoint presentations and fact sheets to help with the delivery of key topics.
  • All the material in the file is photocopiable and is also provided on the CD-ROM for you to customise and print.
  • ]]>

    Book information

    ISBN: 9780435449186
    Publisher: Pearson Education
    Imprint: Heinemann
    Pub date:
    Language: English
    Weight: 1355g
    Height: 363mm
    Width: 251mm
    Spine width: 46mm