Publisher's Synopsis
Sit-up: Do not let the environment nor the world around you squeeze you into its own mold, but let God re-mold your mind from inside. Pour out your heart to God God comes to you in the storm. Today, in this country it is hard to think long-term because everything in our society teaches do the opposite. Stand-up: Without a clear vision, many times we lose hope. When one don't have a vision for your life, it is lot easier to lose hope. Develop a vision for your life. Develop the courage to do what need to be done to accomplish goals, objectives, vision for life. Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. Courage is like muscles, the more you use it the stronger it become. Courage used in this context is have a purpose for your life and to have a heart. Even with courage you may have to try again tomorrow, next week in some cases even next month. Some ways you can keep a long journey include eternal mindset throughout the day.Short time thinking keeps you from seeing clearly. Move-up: Attitude could mean the difference between promotion or demotion. Attitude is a inward feeling expressed by one's behavior. Outward actions become a window to the soul.We can not travel within and stand still without. Attitude roots comes from inside but the fruit is outside. Attitude is the primary force that determine whether we succeed or fail. In the Bible, says, 'we are more than conquerors through God who loves us.' We want progress if we can have it without change. When you are through changing you are through. The writer grew up in the deep south of America back doing the nineteen fifties and sixties.He grew up in deep wooded area. During this timing there were no pre-K. When he turned six years old, he entered into an elementary school the first grade. The school at that time had not been integrated. He played football and ran track. During this timing students school not give their opinions regarding what the teacher or principles tell them what to do and say. There was a lot of disciplining from parents, teachers and the church during his growing up period.