SHOCKS NO MORE!: From Thriving

SHOCKS NO MORE!: From Thriving

Paperback (19 Jul 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Finally stop the SHOCKS of life from hijacking you! Do you feel stuck, don't understand why you do (or feel) the same things over and over (even though you don't like the outcome), live from crisis to crisis, are unstable in housing, work, relationships or have experienced great difficulty in life? This SHOCKS NO MORE! book is written for YOU. Learn to understand and change your patterns so you can finally achieve your goals.

For the Helping Professional. This SHOCKS NO MORE! book will help you understand clients/consumers/ patients/students/mentees who are stuck. Adverse Childhood Events have been shown to cost society $1.8 Million per 2014 victim (during their lifetime). The cost of emotional pain is incalculable throughout the entire lifespan to not only the child (who becomes an adult) but all of the people they encounter. A common reaction of the child, which can follow through adulthood, is Learned Helplessness. Helping Professionals seek to empower others to fulfill their dreams. However, Learned Helplessness is a profound barrier for many (clients and professionals). This model teaches how viewing the world from a Learned Helplessness perspective presents unique ways of viewing goals. Helping Professionals assume they are talking the same language as clients when they develop goals together. This model shows that folks, who struggle with Learned Helplessness, are actually thinking about goals from a completely different paradigm than the professional! Understanding and resolving this miscommunication through the SHOCKS NO MORE! Model offers relevant and immediate solutions.

Book information

ISBN: 9780997688207
Publisher: Dr. Kim Tousignant
Imprint: Dr. Kim Tousignant
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 40
Weight: 59g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 2mm