S.E.E.F.A.R. - Seeking in Ernest the Elevation of Female Artists in Research

S.E.E.F.A.R. - Seeking in Ernest the Elevation of Female Artists in Research Shining the Spotlight on Women Artists of Color Around the Globe

Paperback (14 Feb 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

For centuries, Black Female Artist were scrubbed out of the art fraternity and as such lost fame and more importantly, fortunes by the powers that be at the time. Now, it is up to us, people with a conscience to fix the wrongs of the past. The arts in general and BFAs in particular, as described in this book, benefits not just individuals exposed to it, but the entire society by proving creative avenues to tap into our intellectual strengths and emotional feelings, thus impacting the masses and challenging the status quo. This book features over 500 BFAs or expatriates seeking to elevate the arts in some underdeveloped countries with their expertise, not only as artists themselves but by modeling art for others to learn from them. For reasons such as these, we need to support the arts and BFA artists by purchasing this book at https: //www.lulu.com/spotlight/indiana-robinson The works listed are brought to you by InJa Ink PPP - People, Production, and Promotion, an art collective that aims to feature the artistic and literary works BFAs and other artists as well

Book information

ISBN: 9781329604964
Publisher: Lulu Press
Imprint: Lulu.com
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 108
Weight: 268g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 6mm