Publisher's Synopsis

What in the world are those people up to? Ruth Fielding's clear voice asked the question of her chum, Helen Cameron, and her chum's twin-brother, Tom. She turned from the barberry bush she had just cleared of fruit and, standing on the high bank by the roadside, gazed across the rolling fields to the Lumano River. "What people?" asked Helen, turning deliberately in the automobile seat to look in the direction indicated by Ruth. "Where? People?" joined in Tom, who was tinkering with the mechanism of the automobile and had a smudge of grease across his face. "Right over the fields yonder," Ruth explained, carefully balancing the pail of berries. "Can't you see them, Helen?"

Book information

ISBN: 9781421893013
Publisher: 1st World Publishing, Inc.
Imprint: 1st World Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 268g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 12mm