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Rowing the Northwest Passage Adventure, Fear, and Awe in a Rising Sea

Paperback (02 Nov 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

  • Explores the very real impacts climate change is having on the North and the people who live there.
  • Riveting adventure travel, that incorporates science, history, geography, and memoir.
  • The author is a member of the Explorer's Club and was an Explorer's Club Flag recipient.

  • Book information

    ISBN: 9781771641340
    Publisher: Greystone Books
    Imprint: Greystone Books
    Pub date:
    DEWEY: 910.916327
    DEWEY edition: 23
    Language: English
    Number of pages: 224
    Weight: 320g
    Height: 142mm
    Width: 216mm
    Spine width: 18mm