Publisher's Synopsis
A journal of letters from mother to son forms the basis for Judy Alt to let you into the painful world and torment of a grieving parent. She finds herself in the depths of depression - even attempting to take her own life. In Roses For Brian, Judy allows you into the agonizing nightmare of darkness and horror that parents find themselves in when a child dies. Through the letters, you walk with her on the jagged path from a mother's shattered heart toward a mother's spiritual renewal. Her refusal to believe that Brian was "gone - just gone", begins her search to find him. Not only does she truly find her son Brian, she finds comfort, peace and a new way at looking at life along the way. With warmth and passion, she shares the roller coaster of emotions she endured, and introduces you to Brian. The bond they forged in life was strengthened when he crossed the veil into spirit. By his energy, Brian leads his mother into situations and circumstances that lift the clouds from her pain-filled eyes. Her experiences lead her to yoga, meditation, mediums and, ultimately, to see the wisdom of her own soul. In finding Brian, she finds herself, her spirituality and Divine Light.