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Romeo and Juliet The Graphic Novel: Plain Text

Romeo and Juliet The Graphic Novel: Plain Text

Paperback (10 Dec 2009)

  • $20.57
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Publisher's Synopsis

A bitter feud between the Montagues and the Capulets keeps the city of Verona, Italy, in a state of constant unrest. Despite the enmity, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet fall passionately in love. Enlisting the help of Friar Laurence, the young lovers wed in secret, hoping that their marriage will finally unite the two families. But things go terribly, tragically wrong. One of Shakespeare's most widely performed plays, Romeo and Juliet has been adapted for every conceivable format. Yet no adaptation — film, television, radio, or opera — can match the richness of the original. This inspired graphic novel version depicts every scene of the play in full-color illustrations, accompanied by every word of the original text. Authentic yet easy to follow, this exciting adaptation is ideal for purists, students, and readers who appreciate Shakespeare's matchless verse. Also available are the Original Text, with the Bard's original, unabridged work, and a Quick Text version, with less dialogue for a fast-paced read.

Book information

ISBN: 9781906332624
Publisher: Classical Comics
Imprint: Classical Comics
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 168
Weight: 454g
Height: 244mm
Width: 168mm
Spine width: 13mm