Publisher's Synopsis
A young man envisions ending his life. A woman celebrates seclusion beneath the Atlantic City Boardwalk. The homeless struggle to carve out a place safe from the night. Shocking acts stain the walls of a truck stop. Crucifixion comes for a priest who rats out a cartel. A girl sells beautiful flowers, brazenly taken from gravesites. In Rock and a Hard Place Magazine, no one escapes. The guilty and the innocent fight side by side, railing against desperate times, facing similar fates.Featuring Works by: Judson Michael Agla, Chris Bahr, S.A. Cosby, Karen Di Prima, Jeffrey Eaton, Dustin Engstrom, Juleigh Howard-Hobson, Russell Johnson, Kathleen Kilpatrick, Allan Leverone, Laird Long, Andrew Novak, Richard Risemberg, Katrina Robinson, Cindy Rosmus, Gundrun Roy, S.J. Rozan, Peter Rozovsky, Jacqueline Seewald, Alex Skopic, Lenny Specht, Albert Tucher, and Tim Walker. Rock and a Hard Place is a fiction magazine publishing new work focused on the plight of the marginalized, poor, depressed, and desperate. In our pages, you'll find stories about people battling to overcome poverty, the criminal justice system, disease, the horrors of abusive relationships, the weight of addiction, the trenchant structures of racism and discrimination. These are stories of desperate people. And what they do next. http: //RockandaHardPlaceMag.c