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Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe - Classic Starts

Hardback (12 Oct 2006)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A shipwreck. A sole survivor, stranded on a deserted island. What could be more appealing to children than Robinson Crusoe's amazing adventure? Set in the 17th century, and unfolding over a 30-year period, it offers plenty of suspense and everyday detail about how Crusoe manages to stay alive. Additionally, it paints a fascinating portrait of the age-including references to slavery and Europe's view of the "New World."  

Book information

ISBN: 9781402726644
Publisher: Union Square Kids
Imprint: Union Square Kids
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.914
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 151
Weight: 268g
Height: 206mm
Width: 168mm
Spine width: 16mm