Publisher's Synopsis
I'm a mom to teenagers... I'm also my late husband's executioner.
He was an abusive man on the fast track to devastation. He hung me from a fancy chandelier to die, and had my saviors driven the long way home that night, I wouldn't be here today to tell my story.
It's been a long road since then, but my children and I have finally moved back to town.
It's time to lay some ghosts to bed.
It's time to truly thank my heroes.
It's time to start living again.
My name is Lindsi Conner, and it's time to rewrite my story.
Cocky? Check!
Handsome? Double check!
Free spirited and loving it? Check, check, check.
My name is Oscar Franks - Deputy Oscar Franks - and I love my life exactly the way it is. I'm thirty-six years old and single by choice. I don't need complications in my life.
That's what I've been telling myself, anyway.
That was until she came to town. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️While the stories might come across as being all about "hot men and women in intimate situations and dropping of the "*f*" bomb...the reality is that the characters and storytelling are all about the meaning of Family, Loyalty and Love. Then re-read all of them again and maybe even a third time - because Emilia Finn is a brilliant, sneaky author! She is an author that values and respects all the roles that men and women have to maneuver through in our social world today; her perspective is invaluable. The stories won't solve all the world's problems but makes the burden lighter while we try to.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I don't even know where to start. This was incredible. Lindsi is a survivor. When I first met her in Finding Forever, I wasn't impressed. But, now she has changed from an abused, broken woman. She is back, and she's strong, proud, and won't take anyone's crap. I've decided she now is one of my favorites.
I expected Oz to be my funny man. I didn't expect to laugh so hard my belly hurt.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️This book can easily be a crossover between the rollin on series and the survivor series because Lindsi is a survivor but most of all she's a fighter. Lindsi and Oz's story is funny, touching and most of all, it's real.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I don't think, in good conscience, I can give an Emilia Finn book anything but 5 stars!!! She always captivates me with her characters from the very beginning. She makes me want to invest my time in reading about them because I feel like I belong to this crazy world they live in.
Rewriting You is another amazing book by her that draws you in more than the last one. These characters ARE my friends & family!! It feels like Oz is that goofy nut of a friend who everyone loves & never takes serious. But she shows you his vulnerable side. & his love for kids that aren't his is just plain endearing.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️What can I say? I love these books. Oz's story especially. Funny, and oh so sweet. Glad Lindsi gets her redemption in this book, although she has paid quite the price. Solid 5 stars