Publisher's Synopsis
In "Reunion," Jewel's story continues as she finds herself stranded in a far-flung corner of the world. Struggling to elude her captors and a network of bounty hunters, she meets her would-be savior, a man who promises to provide protection and comfort. Believing her nightmare has finally come to an end, Jewel begins making plans to return home, where she can start her life over again. But greed raises its ugly head, and the terrifying future she thought she'd evaded becomes a reality. Deceived by the only one she believed she could trust, Jewel is left defenseless against the sadistic abusers who take pleasure in teaching her their own form of discipline. With the dream of rescue and returning home to San Diego even further from her reach, she begins planning her revenge on the men who have stolen her life-and her future."Reunion" is the second book in the "World Without Love" series. The series is a continuing story and is meant to be read in sequence, beginning with Book One, titled "Betrayed." You can find "Betrayed" in both kindle eBook and paperback on Amazon.The "World Without Love" series contains mature content and is intended for an 18+ audience