Publisher's Synopsis
Charlie Hatchett once was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up. He cringed, curled up, and struggled with who he was in the early years of his life.
Grwng up with a single rnt can tk a serious toll n anyone, but fr the author, it hd indescribable fft. A a boy, he dreamed of becoming a professional athlete, as well as a reliable, and responsible man.
With a strong mother who was completely committed to his success, he learned that life was more than being a pro athlete. Through her, he discovered that his aim had to be higher, which brought him to fix his eyes on Christ.
Fortunately, he had his stepfather, who marched into his life and encouraged him to play football-and then encouraged him not to quit when he initially struggled.
In Retrofit, the author shares the lessons he learned from his mother, stepfather, and other family members, including:
- Struggling to become someone you are not is a dangerous thing.
- You can't get to where you're destined to go by imitating others.
- Realizing that you are created in the image of God and understanding how to exude God's image will orchestrate your deliverance.
The author-who became a professional football player and pastor-highlights that true change begins with attitudinal change and that we cannot become retrofit fr Christ and His kingdom without first becoming like Christ.