Publisher's Synopsis
Resurrecting Your Marriage After An Affair is a series of books to help married couples recover and then thrive after an affair. The first book is specifically designed for the Unfaithful spouse. The second book is specifically designed for the Betrayed spouse. Each spouse needs individual healing and guidance following an affair. This type of recovery is NOT intuitive. An affair is the nuclear bomb to a marriage. The pain and disorientation experienced after an affair is indescribable. The healing journey is long and challenging. Couples who experience this often quit because they have no guidance and unrealistic expectations. The authors of these books have experienced an affair, suffered greatly as a result, and yet are thriving today in their marriage. Unless a couple has walked through this "valley of the shadow of death" themselves, they can not begin to understand the damage, the horrific pain, the hopelessness and devastation caused by an affair. Rick and Kate have walked this journey, survived this journey, and have created a marriage better than they ever imagined. Kate says she wrote the book she wished she had during her darkest hour. Rick says sharing the insight he learned along the way will hopefully help other unfaithful spouses avoid the mistakes he made, and shorten the recovery for someone else. These books are quick and easy reads, filled with vulnerable moments and wise advice. These authors are not therapists or authors (until now). The easy-to-follow format is designed for readers of all levels. Rick and Kate first share the intimate details of their life before, during, and after the affair. Next they tell the reader exactly what to expect following the discovery of the affair, including timelines and emotional roller coasters. Finally, they give clear and concise advice to follow, much of which may seem counterintuitive at first glance. Rick and Kate have been involved in marriage ministry, off and on, for over 30 years. They lead programs for engaged couples, speak at marriage retreats, and work with couples in crisis. Rick's exposure to inappropriate work relationships, while in the business world, and Kate's daily interactions with divorcing couples, in her office where she is a family law attorney, combine to give this unique and authentic perspective on facing the challenges of healing from an affair. It has been over 30 years since Kate ( a stay-at-home mom, at the time) was blindsided and nearly destroyed by Rick's affair. Be encouraged by their journey. Hear about the sleepless nights, tear-stained pillowcases, and feelings of hopelessness experienced by this couple. Then, share in their victory, their insights on forgiveness (what does that mean anyway? And how do you do it?), and perseverance against incredible odds. Here's the takeaway......your marriage CAN not only survive after an affair, it can absolutely THRIVE. Let Rick and Kate's journey inspire and help you get to the other side.