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Requiem, K.626: Vocal score

Requiem, K.626: Vocal score

Sussmayr-Brissler ed.

Paperback (24 Jul 2008) | Latin

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Publisher's Synopsis

Mozart's requiem was only partially finished at his untimely death in December 1791. His widow Constanza turned to Mozart's students to complete the work which had been commissioned by Count Walsegg in honor of his late wife. Joseph Eybler made the first attempt but returned the manuscript a short time later - still unfinished. Franz Xaver Sussmayr, another student completed the work in 1792. The work was first performed on January 2, 1793 in Vienna in Sussmayr's version, which remains the most widely performed and recorded completion despite disputes over the extent of Sussmayr's contribution. This new vocal score is a high-quality digitally enhanced, corrected reprint of the one prepared by Friedrich Brissler around 1880 enlarged to a very readable A4 size. This widely used vocal score is compatible with the readily available reprint full score and orchestral parts which are also available from Serenissima Music.

Book information

ISBN: 9781932419177
Publisher: Serenissima Music
Imprint: Serenissima Music
Pub date:
Edition: Sussmayr-Brissler ed.
Language: Latin
Number of pages: 82
Weight: 246g
Height: 208mm
Width: 295mm
Spine width: 10mm