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Reigning with Christ

Reigning with Christ

Paperback (25 Sep 2018)

  • $16.90
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Publisher's Synopsis

Through this book Lance Lambert clearly reminds us that the calling of God for man is that we should have dominion over all things that He has created. This is our divine vocation as man. We are not to be defeated but to overcome, not to be subdued but to subdue. Using examples from the Old and New Testaments, he shows that this is man's eternal vocation. We are called to reign with Christ.
"And now I vest in you the kingship which my Father vested in me." (see Luke 22:29-30 NEB)
God's purpose from the very beginning was that in union with Himself, man should come to the place of ruling and reigning, where he could administer the government of God. The original purpose for man was thwarted by sin, but thank God this matter of dominion over all things has been secured in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Book information

ISBN: 9781683890508
Publisher: Lance Lambert Ministries, Inc
Imprint: Lance Lambert Ministries, Inc
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 300
Weight: 349g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 16mm