Publisher's Synopsis
Deacon Steve Greco has the joy of the Lord in every step he takes and he isn't one to be shy when it comes to evangelizing friends, family or perfect strangers. He has spent his adult life sharing the "Good News of Jesus Christ" with nearly everyone he encounters. Whether he is praying with individuals, speaking to large or small groups of people, or leading prayer meetings at his local parish, he is nothing but passionate for sharing the Word of God. His love for God's people and wanting to touch the hearts of all those he encounters, has not gone unnoticed. Some of his best examples of evangelization are on airplanes, restaurants and supermarkets. Deacon Steve's hope is that a fire will ignite the hearts of all those who read this book. Reflections on the Holy Spirit can be the catalyst for the spiritually hungry. This book will help you on your journey to experience the power of the Holy Spirit. As you begin to read this book, pray to the Holy Spirit. Open your heart and ask the Holy Spirit to share His wisdom. Allow the Living Word to speak to you and abide in your heart, soul and mind. Deacon Steve Greco has spent his adult life following the footsteps of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit! If you have had the pleasure of listening to Deacon Steve Greco in person, on the radio, his audio CDs or reading his first book "365 Days of Praise," you would have heard Deacon Steve say "translated from the Greek into English the word 'power' means DYNAMITE!" How exciting to know that the Holy Spirit is powerful and explosive. As you read this book, allow the fire and the love of God to empower your life. Scripture is meant to dwell in you, because it is the true living Word. Jesus lived among us and changed hearts with His words, actions and His love. Think of Jesus leading you to His Father in heaven each moment you breathe. Allow the power of the Holy Spirit to enlighten your soul as you read each verse of Holy Scripture To live in the "Spirit" may be an unfamiliar phrase. To live in the Spirit, is to abide in the Lord. The fruit of living in the Spirit is to live in God's love, joy peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Followers of Christ are not perfect but can strive for this perfection that Jesus demonstrated. Deacon Steve demonstrates, the power of God's Holy Spirit in the scriptures. He prayerfully asks for each scripture to be revealed to you as an individual reader. His prayer is that when you read the scriptures and reflection, a special message of love, hope and encouragement is given to you. The purpose of this book is to know that you are loved by God and that the words in the holy scriptures of God are for you. Deacon Steve, through the power of the Holy Spirit, shows us the benefits of living in the Spirit. He helps us take a closer look at the life we can live in the Spirit by examining scriptures that focus on the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Allow the transformation of your life to unfold as you bear the fruit of the Spirit.