Publisher's Synopsis
The classic collection of wise phrases and advisory maxims by Rochefoucauld is published here complete with annotations. Originally written in the aftermath of decades spent in the lively and politically charged French court, Rochefoucauld had honed his wit and wisdom through having lived among and dealt with people. Admired in France for his shrewd conduct and opinions, Rochefoucauld neither praised humanity for its achievements and virtues nor condemned it for its flaws, excess pride and sins. His famous Reflections encapsulate an attitude cultivated by experience at a time of intellectual awakening in France. Rochefoucauld's even-handed nature receives due prominence in this book: his maxims are pithy and incisive, witty and occasionally profound. Something of a progenitor to Oscar Wilde for his sharp brevity, Rochefoucauld nevertheless carefully pruned and edited his maxims during his lifetime, while a few were added by admirers posthumously.