Publisher's Synopsis
Every soul that has ever had a reflective thought regarding who we are and how we got here has pondered on the condition of Mankind. How did things go so wrong? Can we possibly fix our fallen nature? Why did God allow this to happen? Could He not have prevented Adam for choosing so poorly?
"Redemption: Restoring Our Lost Legacy" tackles these and many more soul searching questions. Using both human experiences and God's Word this book brings a level of understanding to our souls, hearts and minds that can renew, rejuvenate, and reignite our hope and our confidence in the Plan and Purpose of our loving God! While recognizing the two main ideas behind what we often call Redemption, the clear purpose of God through Jesus' willing sacrifice is more fully defined. His death not only became the life-for-life Ransom for all who choose to be born again; it also paid the price required to redeem our legacy.
This amazing, breath-taking story can be seen, interwoven throughout the Bible. From the Pentateuch and history to the Prophets and Poetry of the Old testament; to the Gospels and Epistles and Prophecy of the New, God has revealed His Plan and Purpose: all was done in order to enable us to truly share eternity with Him! Not just to be in eternity with Him (that would be easy) but to make us fit to share eternity with Him - and that would cost Him His very Life. It is a story that centers around the Revelation the Father shared, the Revelation that when shared resulted in the greatest display of worship ever recorded. And it is a story that is founded on God's willingness to choose to do all that was required to include us in His eternal plan - a choice He thoughtfully made BEFORE He Created a Man in His Image and Likeness.