Publisher's Synopsis
Critical language pedagogy (CLP) redefines language education by integrating critical theory and social justice perspectives, aiming to foster critical thinking, social awareness, and empowerment. It emerged from the understanding that language and power are intertwined, emphasizing the need for teaching that goes beyond linguistic proficiency. By applying critical theory, CLP challenges power structures, social inequities, and cultural norms that shape language use, encouraging reflective practices and liberatory education. It promotes social justice by addressing linguistic inequalities and advocating for inclusivity in language education. Further research into CLP may empower learners to critically engage with language in the context of broader societal issues, questioning and transforming societal norms. Redefining Language Education Through Critical Language Pedagogy explores multiple areas of CLP, including theoretical foundations of critical language teaching, strategies and guidelines for integrating CLP into the language classroom, and practical examples of how to integrate socially and culturally relevant topics in the teaching process to promote CLP. It examines various linguistic inequalities, offering strategies for inclusive and accessible language education. This book covers topics such as higher education, social justice, and sustainable development, and is a useful resource for educators, academicians, linguists, sociologists, and researchers.