Publisher's Synopsis
The mythology of the North America Indians is a cultural treasure trove, but many of these myths and legends have been hidden away in many old books and documents. So, this vast body of wisdom has been out of reach of most people... until now. The book represents a large collection of stories many people have not heard. In this collection these stories are brought back into the light and shared alongside art inspired from their messages.
In this book, there is a landscape of different histories collected from many different tribes. You are presented with a true look at their beliefs, lifestyles and hardships. Understand the Native American people a little better and see where they have come from and what they have offered the world. By exploring these stories, you are offered a glimpse into an often forgotten past. By reading these stories you will once again breathe life into their creators and learn from them.
Among the stories included in this collection are: The Fatal Swing, The Gift of the Peace Pipe, Inuit Story of the Northern Lights, The Legend of the Cherokee Rose, The Bear Man, The Bound Children, The Woman and her Bear, A Widow's Revenge, Turtle Goes to War, The Origin of Medicine, White Buffalo Woman, Origin of the Pleiades And the Pine, The Ghosts' Buffalo, The Man Who Was Afraid of Nothing, Iktomi and the Fawn, The Origin of Corn, How the Milky Way Came to Be, The Story of the Land of Northern Lights, How the Great Chiefs Made the Moon and the Sun, The Man Who Married the Moon, The Woman Who Fell from the Sky, Sun Sister and Moon Brother, Why the North Star Stands Still, The Ghost Wife, The Deserted Children, The Resuscitation of the only Daughter, The Spirit Bride, The Origin of Curing Ceremonies, The Magic Windpipe, Crossing the Red Sea, Wakiash and the First Totem Pole, The Origin of Tobacco, The Foster Child of the Deer, The Story of the Camp of the Ghosts, The Legend of the Cedar Tree, The First Moccisons, The Legend of the Apache Tear, and many, many more.