Reclaiming the "Dark Ages"

Reclaiming the "Dark Ages" How the Gospel Light Shone from 500 to 1500

Paperback (10 Sep 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

See how the thread of orthodoxy runs throughout the history of the church - even in the thousand years known as the "Dark Ages".

If you study church history closely, you will see that there is a continuous thread of faithful, glorifying theology that gives God due honour, that takes Scripture as the principal authority over life and faith, and that nourishes our wonder and worship.

Despite its somewhat derogatory name, we can see that the light of the gospel was by no means extinguished in the millennium between 500 and 1500. Iain Wright and Yannick Imbert outline the story of this time through the lives of ten key figures of the Medieval Church:

  • Leo the Great (400-461)
  • Boethius (476-524)
  • Alcuin (735-804)
  • Gottschalk (814-868)
  • Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109)
  • Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)
  • Peter Waldo (1140-1205)
  • Bonaventure(1221-1274)
  • John Wycliffe (1320-1384)
  • Jan Hus(1372-1415)

Chronicles 1,000 Years of Orthodox Theology see God's providence in the faithful teaching of truth throughout history

Meet Key Historical Figures: some well-known, some less so, all in their place and time

Written for a wide audience non-academic writing style makes this a great read for anyone interested in history

Book information

ISBN: 9781527111554
Publisher: Christian Focus Publications
Imprint: Christian Focus Publications
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 128
Weight: -1g
Height: 216mm
Width: 137mm
Spine width: 0mm