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Reality Squall

Reality Squall

Paperback (13 Aug 2024)

  • $17.04
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Publisher's Synopsis

Jamie, a middle-aged female trucker, is on the mend after losing custody of her seven-year-old daughter. On top of that, she also suffers from REM Behavior Sleep Disorder which induces lingering nightmares and outbursts of violence. To distract herself from her sorrows, she decides to re-enter the workforce. Unfortunately, she'll have to make her deadline while space and time unravel.

With a twinge of self-deprecating humor, REALITY SQUALL is a story brimming with psychedelic imagery, otherworldly monsters, and metaphysical ideas. Its ominous atmosphere will leave readers coiled by the looming dread but transfixed by Jamie's very human struggle.

Book information

ISBN: 9781944286415
Publisher: Nosetouch Press
Imprint: Nosetouch Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 180
Weight: 236g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 10mm