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Ready, Set, Grow! Level 3 Student's Book With Digital Pack American English

Ready, Set, Grow! Level 3 Student's Book With Digital Pack American English - Ready Set Grow

Paperback (31 Oct 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A pre-primary course featuring best friends Sofia and Daniel, Hug the sloth, and Hummy the hummingbird. The Ready, Set, Grow! Student's Book has nine units, each containing eight lessons. There is also a Welcome unit, Sounds and Numbers sections with lessons for each unit, and stickers for every unit. There are lessons in the Student's Book to introduce and practice new vocabulary and language through stories, songs, and activities, as well as a Cross-curricular lesson, a Review lesson, and a Well-being lesson. The Digital Pack provides access to Home Practice which includes videos, games, and worksheets for fun and learning at home. It is full-color and has a spiral binding to make it easy to use.

Book information

ISBN: 9781009799508
Publisher: Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Imprint: Cambridge University Press and Assessment
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 420g
Height: 230mm
Width: 312mm
Spine width: 12mm