Publisher's Synopsis
This title provides a practical reading guide to the thought of Plotinus, the great philosopher who was born in Alexandria in the third century AD, lived in Rome and wrote in Greek. Deeply immersed in earlier Greek philosophy, especially Plato and Aristotle, Plotinus' thought was to have an immense influence on the theology and philosophy of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, as well as to bear a deep resonance with the major forms of Eastern mystical thought, particularly Buddhism and Hinduism. At the same time, Plotinus' philosphy remains unique in its own right.;Corrigan's work presents, in an accessible and yet authoritative way, three treatises translated in full, as well as several other major passages representative of the wide range of thought to be found in Plotinus' "Enneads". There is extensive and detailed commentary accompanying each translation which helps the reader to work his or her way through Plotinus' often highly compressed thought.