React Quickly

React Quickly

Paperback (27 Oct 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

React is a JavaScript library developed for one main reason-to build reusable UI components that present ever-changing data. The React philosophy is to focus solely on the user interface. In model-viewcontroller (MVC) terminology, React is the view. Because it has to work with models and other libraries, it's designed to play nicely with pretty much any other framework, router, style, and model library. And it's well supported-React emerged from Instagram and is now used by Facebook, Asana, Khan Academy, and Atom among many more.


React Quickly is for anyone who wants to learn React.js fast. This handson book teaches needed concepts by using lots of examples, tutorials, and a large main project that gets built throughout. It starts with the basics, including how React fits into applications, JSX, and handling states, and events. Next, it explores core topics like components, forms, and data. Finally, the book dives into React integration topics, like unit testing and isomorphic JavaScript with Express.js, and Gulp.


Key Features:

·    Uses videos to supplement learning

·    Chock full of examples

·    Gets readers using React quickly


This book is for web developers who have some JavaScript experience.


About the Technology:

React is a JavaScript library developed for one main reason-to build reusable UI components that present ever-changing data. React emerged from Instagram and is now used by Facebook, Asana, Khan Academy, and Atom among many more.

Book information

ISBN: 9781617293344
Publisher: Pearson Education
Imprint: Manning
Pub date:
DEWEY: 005.2762
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 528
Weight: 890g
Height: 237mm
Width: 189mm
Spine width: 33mm