RSI Survival Guide

RSI Survival Guide

Paperback (30 Jun 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Repetitive strain injury (RSI), tendonitis, occupational overuse syndrome - call it what you like, you know it when you have it. And it hurts.

Often, it starts off with a niggling pain and spreads to affect your whole arm, or shoulder, or body. It can make it hard to keep on working, but hard to stop - if you want to be able to afford the medical treatments. It can start off in one area of your life - like work - and push its way into everything else you do. Sport, recreation, parenting, even cooking the dinner.

The RSI Survival Guide is a book written by people who've actually experienced the pain and stress of RSI.

You'll find answers to questions such as 'how do you know you've got it?' 'how do you deal with the pain?'. 'what treatments are available?', and 'how well do they really work?'

In this book, you'll read about how to cope with the condition in your everyday life, and how to support someone who has it. How to choose a therapist or doctor. How to get through the legal processes (like workers' compensation). How to get back to work without getting injured again. And how to manage the 'I can't see your injury so it's not real' attitude we still come across, even in the medical profession.

This book offers down to earth, comprehensive advice BY people who have or have had RSI, FOR people who have RSI. It also summarises the medical/scientific literature so you don't have to. Take back control of your life from your overuse injury - you can beat this!

Book information

ISBN: 9780646975702
Publisher: RSI & Overuse Injury Association of the ACT
Imprint: RSI & Overuse Injury Association of the ACT
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 198
Weight: 302g
Height: 152mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 12mm