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Quiet Enjoyment

Quiet Enjoyment Arden and Partington's Guide to Remedies for Harassment, Illegal Eviction and Other Anti-Social Behaviour

6th Edition

Paperback (30 Nov 2002)

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Publisher's Synopsis

An up-to-date and practical guide to advising the victims of unlawful eviction and harassment. The focus of the book remains the rights of occupiers against their landlords. But the enjoyment and security of home life may also be disrupted by others - such as stalkers, neighbours and neighbourhood gangs. The book leads the adviser through the various remedies available not only to assist victims of unlawful eviction but also to combat other forms of anti-social behaviour.;The sixth edition of "Quiet Enjoyment" has been significantly expanded: the chapter on grounds for civil proceedings has been fully reworked to take in grounds against those unconnected with landlords; the comprehensive digest dealing with quantum awards for unlawful eviction includes cases over the last nine years; the chapter on civil procedure has been revised to take account of the CPR 1998; and a new Part III covers the remedies available against other kinds of anti-social behaviour.

Book information

ISBN: 9781903307144
Publisher: Legal Action Group
Imprint: Legal Action Group
Pub date:
Edition: 6th Edition
DEWEY: 346.420434
DEWEY edition: 21
Number of pages: 281
Weight: -1g
Height: 210mm
Width: 148mm