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Quicksilver's World: Stories of Magic, Journeys, and Mysteries Solved!

Quicksilver's World: Stories of Magic, Journeys, and Mysteries Solved!

Paperback (07 Jul 2021)

  • $18.44
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Publisher's Synopsis

Deep within an old and mysterious forest in an ancient land, Quicksilver is born into the silver dance of the moon. From the moment he takes his first breath, Quicksilver is unconditionally loved by his fairy family. After an elderly wizardess rises from a corner in the room to cradle Quicksilver in her arms, she grants him the gift of invisibility that she says will help him, along with other similar children, to eventually lead their people to realize new possibilities. As Quicksilver sets out on a coming-of-age journey fueled by curiosity, he soon amazes everyone around him with special abilities that frequently cause his family a mixture of mirth, wonder, and worry. While exploring a world filled with magic, mystery, and unusual animals, Quicksilver proudly wears his cloak of invisibility while making new friends, solving mysteries, and experiencing unusual adventures. In this entertaining fantasy tale, a fairy boy and his team of special fairy children with unique abilities, set out on a daring, yet fun filled journey to solve problems and change even the human world

Book information

ISBN: 9781982290979
Publisher: Author Solutions Inc
Imprint: Balboa Press Au
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 212
Weight: 290g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 11mm